Getting a Good Start

Getting a Good Start

When writing a short story, the hardest part is usually starting off. Many authors do well once they put the pen to the paper, but getting started can be hard. A good example of this in one of my works in progress, Colony Patrol. When I started writing this, I set it on a fictional location so I didn't have to worry about having to research to accurately portray a place. I decided to set it on Vestus 7, a planet in deep space, and have it take place at one of the colonies there. It follows Sergeant Allen Hayes, a member of Colony Security colloquial known as C-Sec, assigned to patrol and enforcement at Habitat 6, one of several urban areas in the original colony, Foundation. It follows him as he and a senior officer respond to a riot nearby Clara Barton Hospital. When they get there, they discover that the riots are actually caused by a virus that was being transported on the cargo freighter Arcos, that crashed just outside of Habitat 6. It will follow them as they get trapped in a quarantine area and have to work from the inside to find a way to stop the virus' spread. Whereas with some stories I want to write takes place in real locations, where I have to do some research to get the geography correct, with Colony Patrol, I just have to keep track of where my characters go, and that's it, meaning getting started and keeping the momentum going is much easier, and thus making my writing more enjoyably. The video attached is of what I have so far. Expect further developments, and possibly a excerpt release, of Colony Patrol in the future.


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