S.T.A.A.R.: Orbital Drop Private First Class Cady sat in the passenger compartment of the S-7 Sub-Orbital Troop Transport. They had recently finished drop training, and this was their first combat drop. There was a war going on in Estonia, between loyalists and the coup led by General Cvetkov , and S.T.A.A.R. Intelligence Command had received reliable reports of alien technology being deployed by the General’s forces. Someone or something was supplying them with advanced technology, and Intelligence wanted to know who. Central Command subsequently authorized Bravo-2 to launch a night raid on known coup positions to recover information on how these were attained. Two four man elements were deployed, Cady’s being Alpha. “Stand by, two mikes to drop.” said the Dropmaster , and the team got up and prepared to enter their drop chutes. The drop chute system was designed to allow the entire stick to deploy toward the DZ while the transport was in motion, ra...